Online Auction

Rene Bates Auctioneers, Inc. provides on-line auctions at the city's request. A full list of the auction items will be posted online at Pictures, descriptions, terms of sale and other information will also be available. Bidding will be online only and will begin on May 7, 2013, and will continue until May 21, 2013. All bidders must pre-register with the auctioneer at

All items sold at city auctions are sold "AS IS, WHERE IS" without warranty expressed or implied. The City reserves the right to withdraw this offer or any individual item offered at any time or for any reason prior to or after auction.

The City of South Padre Island contracts with Rene Bates Auctioneers, Inc. to dispose of surplus city property and police confiscated property. As items are gathered and storage space is depleted, public auctions are scheduled to sell city surplus and confiscated items. Funds received from these sales are deposited back into the general fund.